Unit 5A Continental Divide Ranch

Regina, New Mexico


Added on 7/5/2024
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Added on 7/5/2024
For Sale
Property Description

In the very heart of Unit 5A, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico lies the perfect turnkey +/-305 acres of the Continental Divide Ranch. Bordering an additional +/-1000 acres of landlocked BLM, snuggling up to the Continental Divide to the west, with views of the Jemez Mountains to the south, this big game unit is one of the most coveted in the country for landowner mule deer and elk tags. 


Vegetation is made up of towering Ponderosa pines, Gambel oak, Pinyon pine, juniper, sage and +/-15 acres of cheat grass & native grass meadows.  With an average elevatio


Hayden Outdoors

Farm, Ranch and Recreational Real Estate

Hayden Outdoors Real Estate
Windsor, Colorado

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