High Mountain Camp

Elk Creek, Virginia


Added on 11/2/2022
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Added on 11/2/2022
For Sale
Property Features
  • Hunting
  • Barn
  • Landing Strip
  • Timber
  • Borders National Forest
  • Cabins
  • Pond
  • Fishing
Property Description

In real estate, the term retreat is often an overreach. Not with High Mountain Camp. It is private, scenic, remote, and totally self-contained. It lies at the end of the road, on top of a mountain, deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwest Virginia. The property was designed to be entirely self-contained and features off-the-grid capabilities with redundant solar, wind, propane, and wood burning systems. The infrastructure has been designed with sustainability, security, and independence in mind.

For all its privacy, however, High Mountain Camp remains accessible. Multiple cities


Hall Hall


Hall and Hall
Billings, Montana

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