5 Springs Cattle and Hay Ranch

McArthur, California


Added on 8/16/2024
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Added on 8/16/2024
For Sale
Property Features
  • Spring
  • Hunting
  • Home
  • Barn
  • Water Well
  • Electricity
  • Fishing
Property Description

Tucked in a secluded corner of the fertile Fall River Valley, is the timeless harmony of water and farming. This 1446-acre ranch not only produces top quality hay, with abundant water bringing high tonnage, the natural layout is perfect for raising cattle year-round. With a bonus of growing wild rice, this diversified operation makes it one of the most unique ranches in the North State. Then add the hunting and fishing aspect, along with a spectacular setting boasting the largest seasonal waterfall in the valley. Highlighted by Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen in sweeping views. The water is distr


Todd Renfrew

Broker & Owner, ALC

California Outdoor Properties | Outdoor Properties of Nevada
707 Merchant St, Suite 100, California

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