Sweet Grass Farm on the Yellowstone

Big Timber, Montana


Added on 4/26/2023
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Added on 4/26/2023
For Sale
Property Features
  • Irrigated
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
Property Description

Located off Howie Road, the Sweet Grass Farm on the Yellowstone is just three miles northeast of the small town of Big Timber, Montana, and approximately 45 minutes from Livingston and just over an hour from Bozeman. The Yellowstone River forms the southern boundary for approximately one mile. Otter Creek enters the property from the north and meanders along the western boundary before joining the Yellowstone. The 493+/- deeded acres offer crop production or grazing, including 367 irrigated acres, with approximately 307 of those acres being irrigated under four pivots. Water rights are prim


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