Braga Ranch

Valley Ford, California


Added on 8/23/2023
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Added on 8/23/2023
For Sale
Property Features
  • Home
  • Barn
  • Water Well
  • Electricity
Property Description

Welcome to the little house on the prairie in the West County coastal hills. Situated in the Estero Americano, the Braga Ranch is on the market for the first time in nearly 100 years. The family has been a steward of the land for three generations. Prior to the Braga's dairy and pasture use, the ranch was historically used as a flour mill. As with seasons changing, the Braga Ranch changed industries with time. The original Flour Mill started on the ranch with twelve horses milling with two round stones, and later, milling took place with two steam engines to meet the demand of excellent


Todd Renfrew

Broker & Owner, ALC

California Outdoor Properties | Outdoor Properties of Nevada
707 Merchant St, Suite 100, California

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