Paradise Ranch Castle

Austin, Nevada


Added on 5/29/2024
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Added on 5/29/2024
For Sale
Property Features
  • Hunting
  • Home
Property Description

Situated on 80 acres in the beautiful Reese River Valley, Paradise Ranch Castle was built by a native Ohioan to show his love and appreciation for his wife's willingness to relocate to Nevada. The couple drew up their own plans and did much of the work themselves, creating a home that is both grand and inviting. Furnished with Amish-made cabinetry and many unique decor items, it offers a coziness that belies its massive size. Currently operated as a bed and breakfast, the property offers numerous commercial opportunities, from hosting themed parties and events to serving as a base camp


Todd Renfrew

Broker & Owner, ALC

California Outdoor Properties | Outdoor Properties of Nevada
707 Merchant St, Suite 100, California

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