Cody Wyoming Trout Ranch

Cody, Wyoming


Added on 3/24/2022
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Added on 3/24/2022
For Sale
Property Features
  • Spring
  • Work Shop
  • Water Well
  • Pond
Property Description

The Cody Wyoming Trout Ranch is becoming a leader in the production of trout for stocking private ponds, streams and lakes. The Property offers 9.78 +/- commercial acres, hatchery with 12 inside race ways, shop/storage building, managers house (2 bedroom, 1 bathroom), 12 lined ponds with aerators for mature fish (6-16 inch fish), 3 exterior race way systems #1 (4 race ways 6 feet wide by 60 feet long), #2 (6 race ways 3 feet wide by 40 feet long), #3 (2 race ways 6 feet wide by 80 feet long), 7 permitted private springs, 2 supplementary water wells, storage shed on east side of building and


Rita Lovell

Broker / Owner

Canyon Real Estate
Cody, Wyoming

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