Biaggi Ranch

Manchester, California


Added on 2/6/2023
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Added on 2/6/2023
For Sale
Property Description

The historic Biaggi Ranch is situated on Mendocinos pristine coast between the coastal hamlets of Manchester and Elk. A ranch of this caliber rarely comes to market. Comprising of over 1382 acres, the ranch rises from almost sea level rolling grassland pasture to over 1600 feet elevation with towering redwood forests. Intermixed in this diverse topography are lush mountain meadows, spring-fed draws, and building sites with big, unobstructed coastal views south to Point Arenas lighthouse and north to Irish Beach, and west across the Pacific as far as the eye can see.

Historically the r


Todd Renfrew

Broker & Owner, ALC

California Outdoor Properties | Outdoor Properties of Nevada
707 Merchant St, Suite 100, California

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