LoMac Farms

Wolf Point, Montana


Added on 12/4/2024
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Added on 12/4/2024
For Sale
Property Features
  • Hunting
  • Home
  • Barn
  • Electricity
Property Description

LoMac Farms is a large farm in northeastern Montana that is 20,496+/- deeded acres consisting of 15,534+/- acres of loamy cropland and 4,962+/- acres of rangeland. The farm is characterized by flat to slightly sloping farm fields with interspersed grassy draws in some parcels. The area is known for its quality durum, spring wheat, hay, peas, lentils, and canola. The improvements include 500,000+/- bushels of grain storage, heated shop, spray center, two homes, and various outbuildings located on a single tract adjacent to Montana Highway 250 approximately 25 miles north of Wolf Point and 40


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