Constantia Ranch

Doyle, California


Added on 8/7/2023
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Added on 8/7/2023
For Sale
Property Description

Located just 40 minutes north of Reno, NV, and five miles south of Doyle, CA, right off Highway 395 in Lassen County lies the historic 4,872.24 acre Constantia Ranch. The majority of the property, including the homestead, sits around 4,400 feet in elevation, with approximately 1,180 acres of the ranch situated at the eastern foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains bordering the Plumas National Forest and rising to about 6,000 feet in elevation. The ranch encompasses 1,325 irrigated acres and over 3,547 acres of dry pasture, making Constantia Ranch ideal for a turnkey high-yielding hay and li


Todd Renfrew

Broker & Owner, ALC

California Outdoor Properties | Outdoor Properties of Nevada
707 Merchant St, Suite 100, California

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